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Official website of Adirondack LMSC of U.S. Masters Swimming

Officials Needed

Sunday, December 9, 2018
Become a Masters Official: We Need YOU!
We are encouraging more of our members to become certified as an official so that Adirondack Masters can continue to consistently provide high quality pool meets on an annual basis. The process of becoming certified as a Masters official is free, relatively straightforward, and outlined on the website: The process includes shadowing an experienced official at one or more of our meets. A person who holds certification as an official through USA Swimming, the YMCA, high school, or college is already qualified to officiate a Masters meet and only needs to express an interest and do some shadowing at a Masters meet. For more information or to express a willingness to help out, contact the Adirondack Masters officials chairperson, Deb Roberts at

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